PEG’s Wellington Rd project is divided into a number of smaller sub-projects.

The Welcome Rock: is opposite the end of Gibson Way. Once-upon-a-time, when the rock was placed there it had a nice cobbled surround with a gap in the middle of the concrete for some plants. However, years of neglect allowed the grass to cover the cobbles such that the only things visible were the rock itself and a couple of daffodils in the Spring. We initially wanted to dig up a turfed area to make a border for some low-growing plants so you can imagine our surprise when we hit concrete and cobbles! It wasn’t difficult to peel off the turf so now it is back to its former glory and we maintain various colourful plants in the central hole through most of the year. Also, a memorial flowering cherry tree was planted just behind the rock.

The Bus Shelter: was looking very neglected in 2018. Dirty, smelly, nowhere to sit; it was crying out for a PEG makeover! A good sweep and scrub certainly helped and some coats of masonry paint made a world of difference. We were very grateful for Harbour & Dock’s donation and fitting of a bench. We put in a litter bin (bucket) and were pleasantly surprised that most people, with waste items, used it. They may have used it for ‘target practice’ but at least it was used! On the negative side, we tried a wall-mounted cigarette bin but that was quickly vandalised so it was removed. Also, graffiti was an occasional problem but was cleaned or painted over. The walls now have a coat of anti-graffiti paint which is much easier to clean. The bucket-and-bag style of bin has now been replaced with a proper council one.

Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Wildflower Patch: To mark the occasion of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee we decided to make a wildflower patch near the corner of Wellington Rd and Gibson Way. The seeds were kindly donated by Councillor Keeling and the wood from RGB. Once the turf was removed we had the help of Porthleven Companions to help scatter the seed. Followed by afternoon tea, of course.

The sponsored Borders: The long stretch of Highways grass verge from the post box to the Memorial Garden was an obvious area that would benefit from PEG tender loving care. At best it was plain grass and at worst it was another muddy car park.
Funding for its transformation was secured by getting sponsors to pay for each plot’s planting scheme and with construction costs covered by a small Lottery grant. Plants were chosen in consultation with the sponsor and with consideration of the benefits to pollinating insects.