Or, to be exact, The Dunblane Memorial Garden. The Dunblane Massacre occurred in 1996 and shortly afterwards the Porthleven gardening club decided to make a garden dedicated to those children and the teacher who lost their lives. However, due to age or ill health, the club were not able to carry on with the maintenance and nature quickly covered it over.
22 years later it was in a right sorry state! PEG were told by the daughter of an elderly lady who lived in an adjacent upstairs flat that her mother had a view of the sea at one time but it was now blocked by vegetation. Could PEG help?

Of course we could! A lot of chainsawing, brush-cutting, digging and hard work to clear the area and we gave Elsie her view back. We even discovered the original brass commemoration plaque under a lot decayed vegetation. Nowadays, after many plant donations there are lots of colourful flowers and shrubs which all make a vibrant splash of colour to Porthleven’s entrance and provide food and habitat to many pollinating insects.